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A Quick Guide to Thru-Hiking the Continental Divide Trail

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Thru-hiker backpacking on the Continental Divide Trail in the sunny alpine.

The Continental Divide Trail (CDT) spans approximately 3,100 miles from Mexico to Canada and is one of the most significant trail systems in the world. It’s the most remote, and, in many ways, most challenging of America’s long-distance National Scenic Trails. Thru-hiking the CDT is an adventure of a lifetime, but it’s not for the faint of heart. That said, the effort it takes to overcome the challenges of the CDT is rewarded with unending panoramic views, deep solitude, and an opportunity to be immersed in true wildness.

Successful long-distance hikes begin at home with extensive research, careful planning, and strong commitment. To help you get started on this journey, we’ve created this guide. It includes tips on selecting a start date, purchasing gear, understanding what to expect on the trail, and much more.

backpacker on the Continental Divide Trail in a treeless mountain landscape with rain clouded skies
Isolated rain clouds sprinkle the CDT, and many times you can see them coming for miles. – Photo credit: Heather Eldridge (

Thru-Hiking The Continental Divide

Each year, a few hundred people attempt to thru-hike the CDT, and not all finish. Unlike other long-distance trails, like the Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest Trail, there are lots of alternative routes on the Continental Divide Trail.

The resources we recommend below tell you what you need to know about the most popular routes. They are all scenic, remote, and challenging. Your route choice may depend on weather, resupply needs, fires, trail closures, floods, or wanting to see certain landmarks.

backpacker on the CDT sitting along a river looking a trail map
Using a Jonathan Ley Map while on an alternate route along the Gila River in New Mexico. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

CDT By The Numbers

  • 2,700-3,100 – Approximate length in miles depending on the route chosen
  • 5 – Number of states the CDT traverses
  • 150 – Average number of days it takes to complete a CDT thru-hike
  • 24 – Average daily mileage
  • 457,000 – Approximate elevation gain and loss in feet of the CDT
  • 14,278 – Highest point in feet (Gray’s Peak, CO)
  • 4,200 – Lowest point in feet (Waterton Lake, Alberta)
  • $5000-$8000 – Average on-trail expenses
  • 4-5 – Average pairs of shoes a CDT hiker will go through
backpacker on the CDT in rocky terrain
Nearing the end of the northbound thru-hike in Glacier National Park. – Photo credit: Heather Eldridge (

What to Expect on A CDT Thru-Hike

Thru-hiking the CDT is incredibly fun, exciting, and awe-inspiring, but it definitely has some specific challenges. It’s not recommended as a first thru-hike unless you have considerable backpacking experience. Ideally, you’ll have already hiked a long-distance trail with similar challenges, like the Pacific Crest Trail, and you should know how to read a map, use a compass, manage resupplies, and deal with limited water. That said, anyone who does their homework and is determined enough can be successful. No matter your experience level, you might enjoy our article on tips for the first time thru-hiker – it’s packed with good information to help prepare you for a long-distance hike. Here are some common things you’re likely to experience while hiking the CDT:

CDT thru-hiker walks on a dirt road through a vast sagebrush basin with cloudy skies overhead
A dirt road leads through a vast basin of sagebrush in Wyoming. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Compared to the Appalachian Trail or Pacific Crest Trail, a relatively small number of people attempt to thru-hike the CDT each year. Its popularity is growing, but the reality is you might not encounter any other backpackers on some stretches. It’s important to be self-sufficient and comfortable with limited social interaction. Lots of hikers combat loneliness with a project (keeping a journal or making videos), reading, and listening to music or podcasts. Solitude can be a beautiful thing. Just make sure to take care of your mental health, visit friends or family if you have the time to hop off the route, try to plan for friends or family to meet you for some stretches, have a solid logistical plan, and stay on your toes out there.

a thru-hiker stopping at a cattle watering hole made from a large tire filled with water.
A tire used as a watering hole for cattle in New Mexico. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Big water carries & dry camping

Water availability on the CDT fluctuates drastically based on your start date, snowpack, and the weather. Generally, sources are far apart and unreliable in the desert. Water can also be inaccessible in the mountains when the trail stays on ridges for long periods. We had to “camel up” and carry six liters of water to make it 20+ miles between sources on many occasions. Lightweight foldable bladders, like Platy Bottles, come in handy for big water carries. The best advice is to stock up wherever you can, never leave a source thirsty, and carry more than you think you need. There’s no guarantee you’ll find water in a source when you get there. The CDT water report is a crowd-sourced resource that can be very helpful. Here are some tips for finding water on the CDT.

muddy pond is one water source for CDT thru-hikers
A muddy pond called a ‘tank’ – common water sources in parts of New Mexico and Wyoming. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Questionable water sources

CDT hikers should be equipped with a water treatment method that can handle heavily contaminated water. For a good portion of the trail, stock tanks are the main watering holes for both backpackers and livestock. Be mentally prepared to drink from mud puddles full of cow poop to stay hydrated. It’s also common to find dead mice and lizards in CDT water sources (they were thirsty too). It’s part of the adventure! It’s always a good idea to carry a backup treatment, like chlorine dioxide pills, since filters can clog and electronics on UV purifiers can fail. It’s all too easy to pick up a nasty intestinal parasite, like giardia while thru-hiking the CDT if you’re not on your A-game. We recommend carrying flavored drink packets or hydration tablets to make funky-smelling water palatable.

CDT thru-hiker on a rock slab in New Mexico
Keep your head on a swivel not only for rock cairns, which are often the only indication of the trail but also for approaching weather systems. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Storms & big temperature swings

Weather is at the top of the list of reasons why thru-hikers might need to call it quits and try again another year or complete a skipped section the following season. Strong UV radiation (all that high-altitude hiking), fast-moving weather systems, wildfires and their unrelenting smoke, and snow can beat down even the best thru-hiker.

The CDT passes through a diverse gamut of climates from hot, dry deserts to cold, alpine tundra. Desert temps can fluctuate by as much as 60 degrees from daytime to nighttime. You might need to seek shade and rest during the heat of the day, then contend with freezing temps soon after the sun goes down. The weather also changes very quickly in the Rockies, and CDT hikers should expect frequent storms. Spring and summer are monsoon seasons in the southern states, and torrential rain, hail, and lightning can happen anytime. Be ready for anything, even if the forecast calls for good weather. To us, the rapidly changing weather was exciting, but we were really glad to have our warm down jackets and solid rain gear (including umbrellas).

CDT backpacker walking across a snow field in the mountains with cloudy skies above.
Post-holing can happen with or without snowshoes in a soft snowpack. It is best to try to time anticipated snowfield crossings so that the snow isn’t too soft or too firm. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Snow travel

Snow travel requires excellent navigation skills and a bit of extra gear, including an ice axesnowshoes, and/or microspikes. It burns a ton of calories, too, so make sure you plan for a raging metabolism (aka hiker hunger). Whichever direction you hike, you’ll encounter some steep slopes, avalanche terrain, and unstable snowpacks. Check out our video tutorial, Crossing Snow and Ice Axe Self-Arrest.

CDT thru-hiker holding a compass in a treeless, shrubby desert with mountains in the far off distance on a sunny day.
Navigating cross-country with a compass in a sparsely-blazed section in New Mexico. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Navigation challenges & tools

Navigating your Continental Divide Trail thru-hike is a process that is unique to every CDT thru-hiker because of how many alternative routes, trail changes/closures, and options there are. It is also why someone who completes the CDT might do it in 2800, 3000, or 3100 miles. Although there’s a lot more trail signage now than there used to be on many parts of the CDT, the frequency and appearance of blazes are very inconsistent. Because of this, you’ll have to pay pretty close attention to your maps or GPS to avoid getting off track. CDT thru-hikers should be confident in their way-finding skills; it’s common to use a combination of maps like Bear Creek Survey maps (or even two sets of maps like Jonathan Ley’s) with a compass, GPS, and a smartphone with a navigation app for redundancy. This may seem like overkill, but each tool has its advantages and disadvantages, so they will all come in handy at different times. You’ll be happy you have them when you need them.

CDT thru-hiker backpacking on a high mountain pass with green and snow dotted peaks in the background
A high mountain pass in Colorado. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

High altitude

There are long stretches of the CDT that stay above 10,000 feet in Colorado, which means you’ll have epic panoramic views for weeks. Unfortunately, the sustained high altitude also means Acute Mountain Sickness – commonly known as altitude sickness or AMS – can be an issue. It’s common to feel more tired than usual, have a mild headache, or feel like you need to breathe deeper to fill your lungs at these heights. See our guide on how to train for hiking & backpacking trips for more tips for high-altitude hiking success.

CDT thru-hiker holding a sign saying "CDT hiker to helena" and holding her thumb out to ask for a ride.
Making a sign is helpful when trying to hitchhike. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Hitchhiking is part of the adventure for most CDT thru-hikers since many of the towns used for resupply are a very long way from trailheads or highway crossings. Most residents of resupply towns know when it is hiking season and are happy to be part of your journey. We’ve accepted many rides from strangers over multiple thru-hikes and have seen a lot of good in people. We’re really grateful for our positive experiences with hitchhiking, but we definitely recommend being cautious. When hitchhiking, start early and prioritize safety. Trust your instincts – if a ride feels unsafe, politely decline using any excuse. Stay alert, and whenever possible, travel with a companion to reduce risks. Many of the topics above are covered in more detail in our guide, 20 Tips for Backpacking in the Desert.

CDT thru-hiker holding up animal horns to their head while sitting alongside a river.
One of the nicer flowing water sources in New Mexico. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Good planning starts with the right resources. We’ll send you in the right direction to the most popular books, maps, websites, and tools below. We’ll also walk you through the basics of choosing a direction and start date, getting permits, and more.

two CDT thru-hikers holding their arms up to pose next to the CDT southern terminus monument.
posing for a photo at the CDT’s Southern Terminus Monument. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Most hikers use the following resources to plan their hikes:

Most popular maps/navigation tools (we used all of these on our CDT thru-hike):

CDT thru-hiker with backpack on overlooking a ledge with trees and mountains below.
NM is a good warm-up for harder terrain up north. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Choosing a direction

Choosing which direction to take really depends on your style, schedule, and what you want to get out of the hike. Most people hike northbound (NOBO) on the CDT, but southbound (SOBO) is gaining popularity. Here are some things to consider when making your decision.


  • Pros: Can be more social/less solitary, overall temps are generally warmer, NM is a good warm-up for harder terrain up north, hiking CO in wildflower season, ending in Glacier NP feels more epic
  • Cons: Heat in Southern NM, summer thunderstorms in CO (June/July), pressure to reach Glacier NP before snow begins in fall, can be less solitary/more social


  • Pros: There’s less rush to finish, aspens turning gold in CO, avoid thunderstorms in CO, more solitary/less social, hiking MT in wildflower season, cooler temps in NM
  • Cons: Decreasing daylight every day, the trail is difficult right out of the gate (no warm-up), cold nighttime temps in CO and NM, need to be through NM before snow begins in fall, can be less social/more solitary, the southern terminus isn’t as epic as the northern one (still exciting though)

Flip-flopA “flip-flop” hike is a good option for hikers who wish to avoid as much snow travel as possible. There are multiple flip-flop options. The Continental Divide Trail Coalition’s CDT planning guide does an excellent job of explaining the most popular flip-flop methods.

CDT thru-hiker sitting in the shade under a boulder with vast, flat, treeless plains in the background
Sitting in the shade of a large boulder to be the mid-afternoon Heat in Southern New mexico. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Picking a start date

In a normal snow year, NOBOs start mid-April through mid-May. The goal is to get through Southern New Mexico while temps aren’t unbearably hot and to arrive at the Colorado border just as the snowpack becomes more manageable. NOBO hikers will generally want to reach the Canadian border by late September before snow starts to blanket the Northern Rockies.

SOBOs start later—mid-June to early July—since they’ll have to wait for the snowpack to melt in Glacier National Park and the high mountain passes of Montana. They generally want to be through the San Pedro Parks in New Mexico by November.

two buffalo walking near a steam vent in Yellowstone National park
You’ll need a permit in all National Parks, including magnificent Yellowstone. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


There’s no long-distance permit to thru-hike the CDT, but you’ll need to obtain some permits for certain areas along the way. We recommend trying to reserve an itinerary in advance ahead and then planning on visiting one of the backcountry permit stations to make changes or fill in any gaps. Planning ahead helps, but walk-up permits are usually easy to obtain. The Continental Divide Trail Coalition’s free CDT planning guide gives all the contact info and details, but we’ll outline the basics:

  • National Parks — You’ll need permits to camp in Glacier, Yellowstone, and Rocky Mountain National Park, and this process can be frustrating, especially if you are attached to a particular itinerary and timeline. Some parks require bear cans, restrict mileage between backcountry campsites, and often have area closures for maintenance, wildlife migrations, spawning(and the associated bear activity), or because a bear has become accustomed to campsite food/waste and needs to be removed. Be prepared to be flexible with your entry dates and campsite itineraries. Here are the few ways thru-hikers have been able to book backcountry sites in the national parks:
    • Early Access Lottery Periods: Some thru-hikers will try to book some or all of their backcountry campsites through the NPS lottery systems via Applications open in March and, if you win, you will be notified a day and time slot to log into and book an itinerary. While the lottery system reduces the number of users competing for a site simultaneously during the early access period, you are still in a pool of other recreators making a mad dash for available sites. Plan out your preferred itinerary prior to logging in, and be ready with several itinerary alternatives. We suggest you study the booking page, know the names of the zones the campsites are in, the name of the campsite (most have an abbreviation on the booking site), know where it is on the map, and which other sites are nearby as a quick alternative. That way, in case your first choice is already reserved, you’ll know how to quickly pivot to the next option.
    • Advanced Reservations: Around the end of April or the beginning of May, these national parks open their booking system to the general public. This is first come, first serve, and just like with the lottery, be ready with lots of options. If you don’t get what you were looking for, rangers suggest regularly checking back because reservations are often canceled (especially a few days before the trip).
    • Walk-ups: Many thru-hikers have some sites booked ahead and then head to a permit office to fill in the blanks. Others avoid the online system altogether and head to the permit stations to make a plan from there. If you do plan to go to a permit office, we suggest going well before the office opens (there will be a line during the high season) to get first dibs on walk-up permits. With millions of visitors every year, the NPS is doing its best to have a fair and functional permit system via, but in our experience, going to the ranger station first thing the day or two before you plan to enter the park and talking to a ranger who knows the up-to-date status on the trails and campsites is the most pleasant way to book. You just might not camp where you thought you would.
  • Blackfeet Reservation — You need a Blackfeet Nation recreation permit to thru-hike on the Blackfeet Reservation.
  • Indian Peaks Wilderness The CDT skirts the boundary of this wilderness area, only entering it for a few miles. You only need a permit if you plan to camp in this area, and you can get one from the US Forest Service Indian Peaks Wilderness page.
  • Wilderness Self-Service Permits — Some wilderness areas have kiosks where you can obtain a required self-issue permit for free.
CDT thru-hiker holding up a found arrowhead
A found arrowhead on the CDT. Be a good steward and leave any and all artifacts you find on trail. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Familiarize yourself with LNT

With the growing popularity of long-distance trail hiking, it’s crucial to minimize your environmental impact while trekking through the outdoors. Being in pristine wilderness is a privilege and thru-hikers who familiarize themselves with and follow the Leave No Trace Principles (LNT) will be able to travel through these amazing places without degrading it. For a detailed guide on these principles for backpackers, watch our video on LNT.

a brand new pair or trail running shoes lined up next to very worn out pair from miles on the CDT
CDT thru-hikers go through an average of 4-5 pairs of trail running shoes. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Budgeting is absolutely essential and can be quite challenging; many hikers have to cut their trips short because their funds run dry. On the CDT, the average thru-hiker spends about $2-$3 per mile (between $5,000 and $8,000) on expenses like motel rooms, food, drinks, and replacing gear. If you have a lot of gear to purchase or update, this can set you back anywhere from $0 to over $5,000 (more on this below in the packing list).

If you are looking for ways to thru-hike without breaking the bank, check out our article, 21 Tips for Backpacking On a Budget.

CDT thru-hiker sitting down against the side of a building with a spray-painted sign over his head saying "no loafing"
There’s a lot to do before you embark on a thru-hike, but it’s all worth it once you get out there. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Putting your regular life on hold

While some thru-hikers feel more like their truest selves on the trail, walking away from “regular life” for five or six months is still a big and challenging undertaking. If this is your first thru-hike, you might find it helpful to check out our Quick Guide to Thru-Hiking the PCT or Quick Guide to Thru-Hiking the AT, which go into more detail about the following tasks you’ll need to do:

  • Quit your job/take a leave of absence
  • Autopay your bills
  • Make arrangements for pets
thru-hiker posing in front of a sign that says "steep grades ahead use low gear."
COLORADO is known for its stunning beauty and relentless high-altitude climbs. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Physical prep

Unless you’re already spending 8-12 hours walking up and down uneven terrain, there really isn’t a close in-town equivalent to get you physically up to speed for hiking the CDT. However, that is not to say training doesn’t support your mental and physical fitness for thru-hiking. It is a good idea to get your body used to this kind of wear and tear as well as figure out what support you might need to function optimally. Many people find that by starting slow and not overloading their packs, their bodies get used to the conditions on the trail once they get started, especially for the NOBOs, where the terrain difficulty builds gradually. If you’re SOBO, you’ll probably want to get a little prep in before your start date. Check out our guide, How to Train for Hiking & Backpacking Trips for some great tips to get your body primed for a CDT thru-hike.

Picture of a sign that says: 

Welcome to the Continental Divide National
Scenic Trail. As you hike all or parts of the
trail within Grand County, expect sudden changes
in weather. Lightning storms are frequent and
are very dangerous above Timberline. Water may
be sparse along certain sections of the trail
and high altitude sun can increase the levels
of exposure drastically.

Many segments of this trail are maintained
in a very primitive state and trail tread may
not be visible. In these areas Rock Cairns
have been constructed to mark the trail route.
A sign along the CDT reviewing the hazards. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


While the idea of thru-hiking can raise an eyebrow from your loved ones who picture it as a big risk, you are typically safer than if you were in a big city. Nonetheless, preparation and awareness of potential dangers are essential to bring you and your loved ones peace of mind. Here are some risks to familiarize yourself with before you begin your thru-hike:

  • Giardia
  • Dehydration
  • Exposure (heat exhaustion/stroke and hypothermia)
  • Overuse injuries
  • Rattlesnake bites
  • Grizzly bear attacks
  • Avalanches
  • Drowning; sketchy river crossings
  • Lightning strikes
Backpacker on the CDT in front of a water source which is a small muddy rut in the desert.
Using some water from a muddy rut to cool off to avoid heat exhaustion in the desert. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Make a rough itinerary

Map out your mileage goals, water supply targets, emergency exit routes, rest day locations, and resupply points before hitting the trail. This approach serves multiple purposes: it helps familiarize yourself with the trail, establish a completion goal, streamline logistics, and provide a detailed itinerary to share with your support network. We found that involving friends and family in the planning stages was greatly appreciated, offering them peace of mind and a sense of connection to your adventure.

trail leading to rocky mountain tops in a foggy low clouds
A remote section of trail in the Wind River Range, Wyoming. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Consider carrying a personal locator beacon (PLB)

Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) provide crucial emergency support during your hike. In case of injury or perilous situations where exiting the area is needed ASAP, you can call for help instantly. Many PLBs also offer real-time tracking, allowing your loved ones to follow your journey remotely – which is pretty neat. We highly recommend the Garmin InReach Mini 2 for its advanced satellite technology, built-in mapping, and two-way messaging capabilities. For those on a tighter budget, the Spot Gen4, while with fewer features, is a safe bet.

a deer walking in front of a thru-hiker backpacking on the CDT in Glacier National Park.
Hiking behind a deer in Glacier National Park. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


The CDT offers ample opportunities for wildlife encounters, most of which are thrilling and positive experiences. You’re likely to frequently spot deer, elk, bears, and wild turkeys along your journey. With a bit of luck, you might even catch sight of mountain goats, moose, or wolves – truly special moments on the trail.

a rattlesnake on sandy earth
A lethargic rattlesnake on the trail in New Mexico. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


You probably already know that rattlesnakes are venomous. It is true that they’re abundant on certain parts of the CDT. It’s good to have a healthy respect for rattlers, but like most wildlife, the chances of a dangerous encounter are very slim. Stay aware of your footing and surroundings, scan the trail in front of you, and you’ll be able to forewarn any rattlers that might be close. If you do scare a snake, stay calm and back away slowly. Snakes usually move out of the way once you give them some space. If a snake doesn’t move, bushwhack around it, giving it plenty of room. If you still have questions, check out our video on snake & cougar safety for more info.

a chipmunk accustomed to humans approaches an open but empty hand
We Don’t condone feeding wildlife. This chipmunk is, unfortunately, very familiar with hikers and is not afraid to try to steal food from you. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Mice, chipmunks, and squirrels will visit you along the entirety of the Continental Divide Trail. It is a major “ick” to be awoken by the nibbling, scuffling sounds of these opportunists, or even worse, to wake up in the morning and find your precious food is contaminated. They’ll chew through tents, packs, stuff sacks, and even chow down on the sweat-salted cork of your trekking poles. Mice also carry disease and can be problematic near human-made structures like cabins and picnic shelters. Be sure to store your food properly so you can avoid rodent rage along the way.

bear prints pressed into mud
We encountered grizzly bears four times in Glacier National Park but only saw signs of them in other areas. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Bears are ever-present on the Continental Divide Trail. You’ll only encounter black bears on the southern half of the CDT, which pose little threat to humans. Grizzly bear country roughly spans from Wyoming to Canada. These bears can be dangerous if they feel threatened and extra precautions should be taken when hiking in their territory. Grizzlies don’t want to interact with you, but it is usually when they are surprised or separated(sow and her cub) that a grizzly will act aggressively out of fear. Make noise while you hike, especially in high brush where they can’t see you coming, and if you are hiking into the wind (they usually catch your scent well before you head into their territory). Even better, if you can arrange it, walk with someone or in a small group. When you have a hiking partner or two, you tend to make enough noise to give ample warning of your presence. The most important thing you can do to protect yourself (and ultimately, the bears) is to carry bear spray and have the ability to hang your food. Check out our article on facts and myths of bear encounters for more info. You might also like our article, Does Bear Spray Really Work?

a trail leading to a rocky face of a mountain with bushes turning red and a moose grazing beside the trail.
A moose grazing in the distance. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Moose can be seen foraging along the trail from Colorado north. If you notice signs of beaver habitat, you’re probably also in moose country. Moose are massive, powerful animals. They’re not aggressive, but they’ll charge if they feel threatened. Do not approach moose. If a moose is blocking the trail (which they do frequently), go around it, giving it a wide berth. If a moose chases you, hide behind a tree or other large object. They have a hard time figuring out how to get around.

CDT thru-hiker holding up a horny toad to the camera
Horny toads are friendly enough, though grumpy looking. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Resupplying on the Continental Divide Trail is usually a mash-up of shopping along the way and mailing boxes of food and supplies to themselves. We’ll go over the main pros and cons of each strategy below, but generally, we recommend shopping in bigger towns and sending boxes to more remote locations. Because there are so many variables in route planning, resupply isn’t as straightforward for the CDT as it is for other long trails. We won’t go into full detail here, but Yogi’s Continental Divide Trail Handbook is a popular resource for planning CDT resupply. There’s also a free online tool for printing CDT mailing labels for resupply boxes.

CDT thru-hiker in a town with a USPS box propped on top of her backpack. This box has resupply food for her to bring on the trail.
Some thru-hikers prefer to prepare and mail a lot of their resupplies rather than shop and repackage the food in towns. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Pros: More enjoyment and satisfaction of creating your own trail food, greater variety and potential for healthier options, better accommodation of specific dietary needs or restrictions, reduced time and stress spent on resupply in trail towns, a chance to involve friends or family in your adventure through meal prep

Cons: Mail drops take a lot of pre-hike time and planning, you have to work through the logistics of tracking drops/coordinating with local post office schedules, shipping is expensive, might be stuck with food you can’t stand anymore, too much food to carry or you didn’t mail enough

picture of packaged foods that a thru-hiker purchased at a convenience store.
A few days’ RESUPPLY purchased at a reasonably well-stocked convenience store. You never know what crazy cravings you’ll have on the trail. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (


Pros: If you daydream about food while hiking, it is really nice to shop for exactly what you want when you’re craving it, supports local communities along the trail, avoids shipping costs, no help needed (better option for international hikers)

Cons: Food options can be limited or poor quality (gas stations and dollar stores), more work/stress in trail towns, can be expensive in certain places, lots of packaging and excess packaging/food to get rid of

Some hikers don’t prepare anything ahead of time. Instead, they shop in the towns with the best stores and send boxes ahead to themselves wherever needed.

image of broken down, rusty vintage cars and a blue and yellow sign that says, "STOP" in the shape of a bird
Shopping opportunities are limited or non-existent in some trail towns along the CDT. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

We recommend sending mail drops to these places since shopping opportunities are limited or non-existent:

  • Pie Town, NM
  • Ghost Ranch, NM
  • Doc Campbell’s, NM
  • Leadore, ID (Bannock Pass)
  • South Pass City or Atlantic City, WY (right next to each other)
  • Lima, MT
  • Encampment, WY (Battle Pass)
  • East Glacier Village, MT
  • Twin Lakes, CO
  • Old Faithful Village, WY (Yellowstone)
  • Brooks Lake Lodge, WY
  • Benchmark Wilderness Ranch, MT
CDT thru-hiker stops for a dinner break next to a cattle grate on a dirt road.
Taking a “dinner break” in grizzly country on the side of a dirt road.

Gear List

Make sure to check out our Ultimate Backpacking Checklist so you don’t forget something important.

Below you’ll find our current favorite backpacking gear. If you want to see additional options, our curated gear guides are the result of many years of extensive research and hands-on testing by our team of outdoor experts.










CDT thru-hiker using a GPS device to navigate while holding an umbrella and wearing bear spray
Armed with bear spray, a GPS, and an umbrella on the CDT. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

CDT Regions Quick Facts

The CDT is divided into 4 sections. It travels through a multitude of diverse landscapes, weather, and challenges. Below, we’ll outline a handful of fun facts about each section.

Need a visual? Follow along with this CDNST interactive map.

backing on a trail with red and orange table mesas and sagebrush all around.
Hiking among the vivid colors and towering rock walls of Northern New Mexico.

New Mexico – 820 miles

  • New Mexico, the “Land of Enchantment”, is full of rich Native American, Hispanic, and Western culture
  • The Southern New Mexican desert is arid but full of intriguing plants (sage, ocotillo, prickly pear, cholla, datura, and piñon pine) and animals (lizards, snakes, cows, coyote, and wild horses)
  • Daytime temps can reach over 100℉, while nighttime temps can be below freezing
  • Pie Town was settled during the Dust Bowl as a pit stop for travelers to grab a slice of pie. Decades later, the Pie-O-Neer pie shop keeps the tradition alive
  • The CDT crosses an expansive lava flow, El Malpais, and shares a path with the old Zuni-Acoma trade route
  • Mount Taylor is visible from up to 100 miles away
trail leading to a rock cairn with storm clouds overhead
A thunderhead building over The Divide in Colorado.

Colorado – 740 miles

  • A lot of the CDT in Colorado stays high and follows the peaks and ridges of the physical Continental Divide, where the trail offers constant incredible views of alpine meadows, moraine lakes, seas of mountains, and valleys below
  • Altitude sickness (AMS) can be problematic for some in this area
  • NOBOs will have to contend with afternoon thunderstorms and lightning
  • The CDT passes numerous derelict cabins, historic ghost towns, and mining operations
  • Grays Peak (14,270 ft.) is the highest point not only along the CDT
  • Before entering WY, the Trail loops through Rocky Mountain National Park and the awe-inspiring Zirkels in the Medicine Bow and Routt National Forests
backpacker on the CDT walking through rocks above a blue alpine lake.
Hiking through the Jaw-dropping Wind River Range in Wyoming.

Wyoming – 500 miles

  • The CDT crosses the Great Divide Basin, a vast flat area where water doesn’t drain to any ocean
  • There are some very long dry stretches and road walks in WY
  • The craggy Wind River Range and Teton Wilderness are natural wonders and highlights of the CDT
  • The Green River at the south end of the Wind River Range roughly marks the boundary of grizzly bear country
  • The CDT coincides with the Oregon Trail wagon route and passes through South Pass City, a well-preserved pioneer town that serves as a museum
  • The Trail passes through Yellowstone National Park, a true geological wonder of the world and wildlife haven
sunset behind mountains and a lake with a backpacker and his tent set up.
Camping at Red Eagle Lake in Glacier National Park. – Photo Credit: Heather Eldridge (

Montana & Idaho – 1,030 miles

  • The CDT edges along the Idaho-Montana border through the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and into the Bitterroot Range, where it intersects the Nez Perce Trail
  • The CDT covers about 110 miles of ground in Glacier National Park, where grizzly bears and mountain goats roam among the incredibly steep mountains and rock monoliths
  • After traversing some of the most remote country Glacier has to offer, the CDT heads down the Waterton Valley River to the northern terminus and Canadian border at Goat Haunt
two backpackers high five in front of the CDT's northern terminus monument with a lake and mountain in the background in the rain.
Celebrating at the CDT’s Northern Terminus.

Get Involved

The CDT truly is an amazing footpath, and it took a monumental effort to turn it from a dream into a reality. Every year, the Continental Divide Trail Coalition, Continental Divide Trail Society, and US Forest Service work hard to maintain and protect the trail for recreation. Here are a few ways you can help and get involved:

Thru-hiking the CDT is a big challenge with big rewards, and we hope this guide helps you plan a successful hike.